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Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Windows Phone 7 Beta V1 [CusROM]

Gimana nih puasanya sobat-sobat semua ??? (bagi yang menjalankan)
Masih kuat kan ???

Okelah...Sambil berpuasa dan beribadah di bulan suci ini...Adakah di antara sobat-sobat semua yang masih menjalankan aktivitas "oprek-oprek android ???" hahahahahaha....

OK !!!...untuk menambah semangat ente-ente pada...kali ini saya membawa sebuah berita bahagia (cie...kayak apa aja)....xixixixixixixi

Buat sobat-sobat semua yang tadinya kepingin beli HH dengan OS WP tapi gak kesaimpaian dan akhirnya terdampar bersama si Gayung...

Tahukan apa itu WP ???
Iya...itulah WP = Windows Phone (kayak PC/lepy aja pake OS Windows...;ngakaks)
Buat yang masih belom tahu...googling aja dulu sono....hiks...hiks...

Tapi jangan khawatir....kita tahu...kalau Android itu luas...Saking luasnya Android bisa diubah jadi *mirip kayak WPMobile...

Contohnya....ya kayak yang satu ini....

What's in it :

+ Stable, Fast, Rock Solid

+ Comes with Stock-like Kernel with init.d support

+ Compatible with Merruk's Kernels

+ Compatible with All Basebands
+ Deodexed; Reindexed
+ Zipaligned; Batch Optimized
+ WP7 Launcher
+ Superuser Access; Busybox Support
+ Full Support for Init.d scripts
+ Google Music; Skinned
+ ICS keyboard
+ Bass/Treble Enhanced Sound
+ Random Boot Animation
+ 14 Toggles by lidroid rom
+ Chobits NitroSpeed Applied(no need to add tweaks eg. V6supercharger,st@matis, adrenaline, etc.)
+ Kernel, 3g, wifi, net, memory, battery, etc. tweak integration
+ Swipe to Remove Implementation
+ Multilanguage Support
+ Wifi Fix / Global GPS Boost
+ Built-in Ads Blocker
+ Fonts Pre-installed
+ New Google Play Store; Google Search Updates
+ Full Bravia Engine Port; Fix Xloud; Beats Integration
+ Addon Important Apps (see more inside!)
+ Based on ChobitsDigitalisV2Reloaded

Changelogs :

Added WP7 Launcher

Added WP7 Dialer

Added WP7 Notifications

Added WP7 Calculator

Added ReadMe text
Changed System UI
Changed some other apps
Remove useless Crap
Removed GoLauncher
Removed Some other stuff
Added WP7 Fonts
Added MiLocker
Added WP7 Lockscreen
Removed Default Calculator

Put it the way it is on your SD[not in any folder]

Switch off your phone and connect in recovery mode (volume UP button + Home button + Power Button)

4 komentar:

  1. Nice Share Gannn......... =))
    ane kasih dua jempol deh di bulan puasa ini

    1. hahahaha...makasih kk...
      jangan sungkan2 bwt mampir d blog yg ala kadarny ini yakk...

  2. hahah....iyadongs,setiap seminggu sekali ane mampir ke blog ini..
    gan kalo ada share yang WP8 nya dong.....:D

    1. kwkwkwwk Windows8 aja blom keluar yg finalnya gan...apalagi buat gayung...hahahahahha

      iyadah...ntar kalo ada ane share, coz sementara masih belom ada...
      keep update


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